"Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end." Jumar
"I love you also means I love you more than anyone loves you, or has loved you, or will love you, and also, I love you in a way that no one loves you, or has loved you, or will love you, and also, I love you in a way that I love no one else, and never have loved anyone else, and never will love anyone else." — Jonathan Safran Foer
A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself – to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart.
Leo Buscaglia
You're the one reason I wake up in the morning, you're the one reason I find a way to smile, you're the one person that can change everything around when it is going bad. Your eyes, your smile, your everything, your laugh, your look in your eyes when you talk to me. It's just everything about you that makes me want you even more.

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- L'absence de sa présence me manque en permanence
- A story
- L'amour est source de vie- Susan Polis Schutz
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